Tucked away in a busy city, there was a little boy named Jack, his dog, and a mom and dad.

I waited patiently for Stephanie to contact me on the arrival of her new baby boy. When I got the news of his birth, we eagerly scheduled his newborn session to take place in their quiet apartment settled in Arlington.
Around the corner was the hustle and bustle of DC traffic but when I walked inside their home, I was surrounded by a sweet pup, two sleepy but happy parents and an adorable baby boy with mountain tops on his onesie.
We chatted about how fast those first few weeks go and the ups and downs of parenting. I totally relate to my new parents way more than I used to since I’m a mom of a year and a half old.
What I loved the most about their session, besides their furry and adorable puppy (they will always be puppies in my mind) is the bliss on their faces as they snuggled with their new baby on their bed.
Congrats guys!