It’s a Cooper Morning| Spotsylvania, VA

I recently saw a photo that a friend posted of her “real” kitchen.  She mentioned that on social media, moms ONLY post the good and she wanted to share a real snippet on her life.  Freaking superwoman right?! Crazy chaos is what she wanted to show.  As soon as she shared the post, several other moms started sharing their “chaos” and I became totally inspired!!! I am obsessed with messy crazy chaos and I think that it deserves to be captured and recognized just as much as the glamorous moments. It totally reminded me of my slogan and philosophy which is Empower, Embrace & Enjoy.  That is EXACTLY what these moms were doing.  They were empowering other moms, embracing what was REAL, and choosing to ENJOY life.  I reached out to a few of my mama friends/clients and asked if they would let me come capture a “routine” in their home.  There were a few conditions to this “free” shoot. No cleaning or being fake. I wanted it ALL. The tantrums, the tempers, the attitude, the messy buns, yoga pants, and no posing would be allowed.

The first one I would like to share with you is a super fantastic Mama.  Her name is Stephanie and she is an ER nurse/supervisor, mom to 5 children- ages 10, 9, 6, 3 and 2, and home schools the three school aged kids. She also runs a farm and somehow manages goats on top of her crew of little ones AND is a loving wife to a man for the past 12 years.  I mean how did she even find time to have me over? I asked her a few questions to kind of help other women relate to her and they are scattered below with her family photos! Check it out.




Describe your typical morning routine.

“We are not morning people.  Try to get up at a decent time, have breakfast, do schoolwork, and chores.”

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15 years ago, how did you imagine your future?

15 years ago, I thought I would probably be married with a couple of kids living in the suburbs.


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What type of discipline do you believe in?

I have tried several types of discipline.  In one week around here someone has written 200 sentences, gotten electronic privileges taken away, and gotten some licks from the wooden spoon.  It all depends on the offense, the child, and the attitude of said child.  There is usually quite a bit of yelling too.  I am working on that but sometimes I have to yell to be heard over the chaos of 5 very loud heathens….. I mean children. 


Short term and long term goal?

Short term is to get 90% of my house all clean at the same time! Long term is to raise all of my children to be kind, loving, productive people who make their marks on the world (and give me grandchildren)


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Biggest dream?

Biggest dream is tied to my long term goal.  Plus continue to work on our house and land.  Grow old sitting on my porch swing with my family all around. 


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When do you find yourself getting the most frustrated?

I get frustrated when my children don’t listen and are whiny and hanging all over me all at the same time.

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Describe a time you lost your temper.

I lose my temper when my children are asked to do something and they do everything except what I ask. I ask nicely until I flip my lid because none of them are listening or paying any attention to what I have told them to do 20 gazillion times!


What are some rules your children must follow?

My number one rule for my children is they must treat others as they want to be treated.  They all have to help out around the house, must do school work, must give me lots of hugs and kisses daily!


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When do you feel the most beautiful?

I feel beautiful when my family is all together and happy.  Also when my husband and I get to spend time together he tells me I’m beautiful.


Please elaborate on anything you feel other moms might need to hear.

Being a mother is hard and often thankless but so worth it in the end.  I just try to remember that each stage passes so quickly and to take full advantage of all the time I get to spend with my kids.  Even though they often drive me bat-**** crazy I wouldn’t trade them for anything.  Some days I want to fedex them to my husband when he’s out of town but I try to remember this too will pass.



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