So funny story, I did a model call a few years ago and somehow I got matched up with a guy and a girl who WEREN’T dating… but did the most epic couples session. You can see it here Fast forward… and next thing I know I am shooting sessions with them as a MARRIED couple, […]
If you follow along on social media you know that I love my little cousins like CRAZY. They have me completely wrapped around their finger and they know it! Last summer I went over early early in the morning before they started moving and captured some early morning snuggles…. These are my favorite type of sessions! […]
Let’s stay in and cook strombolis….
Sometimes I scroll through social media and get a little jealous of the cliffs, oceans, and breathtaking mountains fellow photographers get to shoot on. We definitely don’t have landscapes like that in Fredericksburg, VA but I have really worked hard to find the beauty in the “average” locations for photo sessions. This is a playground […]
There is something so special about a love that is simple and not prompted. On this chilly spring day, Joey and Morgan let themselves just “be” and I can’t thank them enough for that. Loving this lazy weekend morning with such a beautiful and sweet couple.
I recently saw a photo that a friend posted of her “real” kitchen. She mentioned that on social media, moms ONLY post the good and she wanted to share a real snippet on her life. Freaking superwoman right?! Crazy chaos is what she wanted to show. As soon as she shared the post, several other […]
Real. Relaxed. Raw. Come hang out with the Conrad family.