Vaila in September: Fall Portrait Session

October 5, 2015

I have photographed Vaila a countless number of times and I still am in awe each session.  She has a natural grace and beauty that amazes me! Whether she is laughing, giving me her “selfie” face, or batting those big blue eyes, the photo comes out flawless.  When walking my dog a few weeks ago, […]

Summer and Chris: Engaged

July 27, 2015

Summer and Chris giggled and grinned their entire session which basically made my heart soar.  For most of their session, I didn’t even have to direct them with poses!!  Summer and Chris are getting married at the Caroline Fairgrounds next spring and I can’t wait to capture their big day!

The Howard Family

June 2, 2015

I worked with Chris in my ER days and he was always a blast to work with because of his funny personality, which you need to make the days easier in the emergency room!  His kiddos were SO well behaved…no meltdowns at all!

Emily and Mike at the Creek: Fredericksburg Couple Session

June 1, 2015

I had a chance to work with two high school sweethearts recently and it was so refreshing to see such an innocent and fun love.  We headed to Alum Springs Park in Fredericksburg, Virginia, wandered around the trails and waded in the creeks for the session and let me tell you…. I haven’t laughed this much […]

Trevor and Morgan

February 28, 2015

Once upon a time a pretty princess in pink…

Tyler and Kayleigh

February 27, 2015

A touch of pink. A dash of romance. A sprinkle of a fairy tale.

Coupland Boys at Valentines Day

February 21, 2015

This family is turning into one of my favorites!  It is always such a joy to shoot with them… and I have done so TWICE in the past few months before this session! I am so glad I got to capture their Valentines Day weekend.

Jessica and Jaleah

February 18, 2015

It seems like it was yesterday when I did Jessica’s maternity session! It was hot and we had to keep taking breaks to wipe sweat off.  Well fast forward a few months after Jaleah’s arrival and it was the exact opposite!! We were freezing over here in Fredericksburg, VA so we only managed a few […]

Vanessa, Will & Xavier- Giveaway Winners!

February 17, 2015

I remember when Will was the new kid to our 7th grade group.  He was shy and quiet and Vanessa was loud and outgoing.  By our 8th grade picnic they were a couple.  While most of us parted ways throughout high school and college Vanessa and Will stayed together!  They actually have a little boy […]

Dark Woods King and Queen

February 9, 2015

I have a huge passion for fairy tales, princesses and happy endings.  I had this vision of a black dress, glowy light peeking through the dark and scary forest, and a confident and powerful couple.  Lets just say The Couplands blew me AWAY!  Make your dreams come true and book a fairytale session of your […]

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