Introducing Jen Shiflett: My Personal Trainer, Life Coach, Life Saver

I have devoted the past three years of my life to building the most loved, confident, and happy version of myself.  That passion has turned into something I use every day in my business as I try to encourage other women who may be in the same shoes I was in years ago. Last year I was a size 24…. yet I loved myself.  I looked in the mirror and truly felt beautiful.  I wore cute clothes. I took pictures. I felt confident.  It wasn’t until I reached that point, that I felt I had the “equipment” to start my fit journey. I know if I started this a few years ago I would have failed miserably!  I didn’t feel as discouraged or pathetic because I was surrounded by the positivity I needed! I wanted to become the healthiest version of myself. This isn’t just a weight goal… but this is a vision of me running up the steps. Doing pushups. Squats. Being athletic! I come from a family with a history of diabetes, high blood pressure, and cardiac problems.  I wanted to be able to fight this trend with a healthy body.  So what was I going to do? Work out…. Eat healthy…. To be honest it sounded a lot more intimidating back then.  There were a lot of bad habits that needed to be broken, so I reached out to a friend of mine who was starting a personal training business and it was the best decision I could have made.

Jen Shiflett is amazing. She is motivating. Kind. Encouraging. Everything I needed. I seriously am about to tear up just writing this because I think of all I have conquered since our first meeting.  The first time we went to gym together, she showed me what a circuit workout was and we did shortened sets of very very very basic exercises.  I barely made it out of there alive! I was breathing so hard, my pulse was so high, my skin was turning gray….. she had to sit me down not even halfway through.  I had to fight back tears because I felt so pathetic and discouraged.  In my mind, I told myself all I had to do was make it to the car and I would never have to do it again.  I wanted to quit and was so embarrassed.  But Jen wouldn’t let me.  She was patient and told me how strong I was.  She looked me in the eyes every set and I truly felt like she believed in me.  I didn’t quit and I came back and I’m so glad I did!

She answers all of my texts with the most random questions, gives me workouts, encouragement, motivation, and pushes me past the point I thought I could ever reach.  Last week I was tested for endurance and strength and the results blew me away. 6 months later I’m squatting and throwing ropes around, using heavier weights, running, jumping…. like y’all…. I’m a gym type of girl! I work out you guys! Like what!!!!

So long story short… Jen is amazing and I want y’all to meet her and have the same experience.  Anyone who reaches out and takes advantage of her completely FREE consult, I will take 25.00 off your next session.  FREE consult = discount on photos.  Like what isn’t amazing about that??? Her email is  You won’t regret it. Just shoot her an email and send me a message telling me you did it!

Below is a little interview we did together so you can get to know her a little better 🙂

Please describe what you do as a lifestyle coach and personal trainer.

Lifestyle coaching is all about helping clients find a way to work healthy habits into their busy lives. I work with clients to set nutrition and exercise goals then make incremental changes to reach those goals.  Personal training is dependent on the client and their goals.  I always start with the basics.  I assess their functional abilities, teach proper form and make an individualized fitness plan based on both their current fitness level and their goals. 

When did you first start getting interested in fitness? What were your motivations for learning more? 

I actually started my fitness journey by working on my own personal fitness. I bought a Groupon to a new fitness chain in the area to get myself in shape.  I trained there for about two years when the owner asked if I was interested in becoming a trainer.  Fitness is a constantly evolving field for research, training methods and nutrition.  It’s important for me to stay up to date to give my clients the best information that is available.  

What is the biggest “no no” most people do when first starting to lose weight?

The biggest “no no” for clients isn’t food or missed workouts.  It is an emotional response to a perceived failure, known as guilt.  Changing life long habits is difficult and the process can be frustrating.  Clients often feel guilty if they don’t get in all their workouts or have an off nutritional day.  That isn’t failure. It’s life.  Feelings of guilt will often make the client want to give up or spiral into more unhealthy habits.  

Please describe the initial consult with a new client and then the experience afterwards.

My initial consult with a client is a sit down meeting to determine if we are the right fit for each other.  I want to know what the clients goals and expectations are for both training and lifestyle coaching.  We will go over the services that I will provide, how often the client would like those services and a fee schedule.  After the initial consult, I will devise a plan for the client.  We will start by looking at the client’s nutrition and physical fitness level.  After we set weekly goals for the client to work towards.  From there, it really depends on the client’s needs.  We may meet weekly or do a weekly phone check in.  If the client is receiving personal training services then we would meet to go over the workout plan, which can range anywhere from a walking regiment to HIIT (high intensity interval training) workouts.

What advice would you give to a client trying to lose weight but is on a strict budget and may not be able to invest in a gym membership or expensive grocery list?

Home workouts are easy and inexpensive.  A body weight workout costs nothing and can be performed in a  6ft x 6ft space.  Groceries can get expensive but nutrition expenses are an investment in your health and happiness.  The money you spend now will save you healthcare expenses in the future.  There are a few ways to reduce the cost like cutting back on eating out.  Eating out is a huge expense and its extremely hard to find healthy nutritious meals at restaurants.  

What would you say to a discouraged client who is struggling with losing weight?

Be patient.  Focus on how you feel.  Becoming the healthiest version of yourself is a process in which takes time.  Stick to the plan and you will see results.

What are your favorite workouts for someone who is trying to lose the belly weight?

There is no way to lose just the belly weight.  To lose the belly weight you must lose overall weight.  The best workout for that is high intensity interval training and a nutritional plan devoid of processed sugars.

What are your thoughts on a “cheat day?” 

Cheat days are mostly for a mental break from the constant mindfulness in regards to nutrition.  I tell my clients to think about nutrition as an 80/20 rule.  You are doing awesome if you’re hitting your nutrition 80% of the time.  The other 20% accounts for all that is life.  Birthday parties, a drink with a girlfriend after a long day at work, a bit of dark of chocolate during that time of the month.


What is your biggest goal as a lifestyle coach?

My goal is to empower my clients.  I want them to see that no matter their schedule, kids, work, etc it is possible.

What would you view is the biggest struggle you have noticed when people are trying to lose weight?

Confidence.  Most of my clients have attempted to lose weight, exercise or work on their lifestyles in the past without a huge amount of success.  Their attempts and perceived failures make them feel inadequate, hopeless and scared to try again.  You’ll notice I said perceived failures.  Each attempt will teach the client what isn’t going to work for them to change their lifestyle.  If you learned something then you didn’t fail.  That information will help us make a more comprehensive plan and we will be more successful because of it.  

Thoughts on fad diets?

There is no temporary fix for an unhealthy lifestyle.  Fad diets may work for a short time but as soon as the client stops the diet the results will stop and unfortunately most people gain the weight lost and then some.  

What are the pros and cons between the group classes you offer and individual training lessons?

Group classes are great for clients who have established their level of physical fitness.  These classes are challenging and clients often feel motivated by being around like minded people.  Clients who do not know their level of fitness or who are unable to participate for a full 30 minutes should not participate in these classes until we work on building their stamina.  Personal training is great for clients who need to work on stamina and endurance.  It is also great or clients who have little experience with fundamental exercise movements like squats, rows or lunges.  Personal training is also great for clients who have a specific goal in mind, like running a 5k.  

Please describe or list the packages and prices you offer.  

The initial consultation is free. Fees vary depending on services. (nutrition planning, lifestyle coaching, and personal training.)



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