It is currently about 2 am on the first day of 2016 and I am laying in bed with my lab/basset mix, Sammie watching Fresh Prince. This is our usual routine, yet tonight it is a little different because it is NEW YEARS! I know there are so many of you out there who are New Years haters… and if that is you then keep it moving! I love the idea of fresh starts and new beginnings! I am a huge promoter of resolutions and feeling confident about accomplishing those new goals. Another reason tonight is a little different is because I just turned 24 about 12 hours ago. 24. I know I am young… yet I keep thinking about all of those things that I said I was going to accomplish by 24 back when I was 16! Man, I had no clue!
One of my goals for 2016 is to be more open with my personal life with my blog readers. If you follow me on instagram, you see tons of shots with my family and my travel but I rarely blog about anything that is personal. I want to change that for several reasons. First, I want you all to know there is more to me than just being a photographer. Second, I want to be able to have a journal of sorts with all of my adventures, thoughts, and milestones to look back on over the years! Since it is the new year I wanted to share some fast facts about me and in return, I would love you to leave some comments about yourself down below
- I have a twin sister named Becca. She is a radiology technician at a local urgent care, obsessed with anything Star Wars, Harry Potter, and Avengers, and is a cat mama to a big white fluff ball named Jack. Becca is my better half and definitely is there to teach me anything that has to do with beer, books, and taking a chill pill for once and sitting on the couch to relax. I love her so much and no one understands me like she does. I can’t imagine life without her. I also have a little brother named Andrew who is 16 but he isn’t very little… since he now stands at about 6’3. He is seriously the sunshine to my rainy days and my best friend. I would rather hang out with him than any of my friends and I can ALWAYS count on him for the best advice and to keep it real with me. He can put my attitude in check and is the only person I would never snap at. He plays the trombone, sousaphone, and guitar and is seriously talented. He is in a band called Rivals and Relics and I feel like he couldn’t be cooler.
our most recent instagram photo on our birthday celebration Wednesday night! peach bellinis for the win

- I have a lab/basset mix named Sammie with my boyfriend. She is a little over a year old and is still causing trouble like when she was a puppy! We have learned so much in the past year about being dog parents and I have seriously become the crazy dog mama. She is perfect in so many ways and is currently keeping my feet warm in bed!

- I am a huge travel addict! I love exploring whether it is a new part of my hometown or out of the country. This past year I traveled a TON including San Francisco, Charleston, Pittsburgh and Jamaica. You can follow my trip adventures on instagram here or at #debtakesatrip .

- My main goal is to promote self confidence and healthy mindsets with all of my clients. I want them to feel special and loved and to realize what makes them special. I hosted my first Triple E Workshop this past fall and it stands for my slogan, Empower, Embrace and Enjoy. I got together with a small group of women and we talked about relationships, self esteem, health and did some killer photo shoots! I loved it and I can’t wait to launch more EEE events and workshops this coming year.

- A few of my favorite things are…. big comfy and soft blankets (preferably warm and straight out of the dryer), frozen margaritas (sugar on the rim please!), mid afternoon naps, 90s sitcoms, Disney movies, late night car rides, my boyfriends shoulders, and splashes of bold colors.

Happy New Years!!!!!!!