Monday Mornings: Triple E Workshop, Fitness, & The Help

Who else HAS to have a Monday in their life in order to get back on track?  I swear I do!  I am so guilty for saying, “Yeah…. I will start Monday” or “On Monday I will totally handle that!”  Call it procrastination… I call it future planning.  🙂  Well, I decided maybe if I write it all down and publish it to the world… it will help this little bad habit of mine!  Every Monday Morning I am going to post my goals and plans for the week then the following Monday I will give you guys a little wrap up of how it went.

So what’t the game plan for this week?

Triple E Workshop

If you haven’t already checked it out, you SO need to!  I am hosting a small and intimate workshop for a group of women in less than a month!  This is all about self esteem, inner beauty, reaching those goals, and maintaining healthy relationships.  I have guest speakers, food, music, hands on exercises, photo shoots, and fun down time stations planned the whole day!  I am SOOO passionate about helping women reach that healthy perspective and this is the next BIG step on that journey.  While the workshop is sold out for next month, I will hopefully be planning one again next spring!  This has been a work in progress for MONTHS.

This week the goals are:

Finish meeting with all guest speakers/vendors.

Start the decoration/styling process… IT’S FIESTA THEMED!!!!!

Finalize all questions and plans with the fabulous and wonderful attendees!! Whoop whoop!



Yeah I am going to totally be that girl.  I was on a GREAT track but as you have seen I have been on a ton of vacations this past month.  So today is back in the gym!

This week the goals are:

Picking healthy options when out to eat at meetings/consults. (it is the worst when going out!)

Balance of outdoor cardio/indoor gym workouts.  (I would love to hear your favorite paths)


The Help

I LOVE this book! I started reading it a few weeks ago and haven’t been able to finish it since I got back from vacation.

This week the goals are:

Finish the book!

Have any good last summer reads for me?


What are your goals this week? I would love to hear them! Here is a little teaser of what is coming to the blog tomorrow!!!!



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