If you are here you can see that I have a NEW website! What do you think? Think before you respond because let me tell you… this website process has been absolutely ridiculous. It took two weeks, two panera dates with my wonderful friend Rosie, a lot of frustration and a few all nighters to get this bad boy up and running. I can’t wait to fill this new site with pretty images of all you fabulous people! Insta selfie shown below!
Another great thing is that I am now the Mommy of a sweet six month puppy named Sammie. She is part lab and part basset…. so basically the face of a lab with short little legs and a big old booty. 🙂 I love her but we have to work on her obsession with fuzzy slippers because I already owe my sister about two pairs of fuzzy slippers… Here are a few instagram shots of my sweet baby girl!
Another awesome thing that has happened so far is my new Snap and Wander Group!! It is filled with local female photographers who have felt the urge to meet new friends, learn like crazy, and eat yummy food once a month. This past weekend was our first meet up and we got Castiglias then literally just wandered all over Downtown Fredericksburg snapping headshots of each other! Here are a few of my favorites.
You can follow our journeys at the hashtag #snapandwander !!!!
But on a serious note, my cousin was diagnosed with Pierre Robin Sequence and just went through a very serious surgery to his jaw to help correct his airway. He is at a specialty hospital in Norfolk and could use all the prayers he could get! Send some love his way if you could for me.